Why Choose 1factory?

1factory is THE BEST Quality Control solution on the market today

1. Ease-of-Use:

1factory is incredibly easy-to-use, and is RATED #1 for ease-of-use by factory-floor and engineering users alike.

2. Lightning-Fast Performance:

1factory can easily handle Drawings, Plans, and Inspections with over a thousand parameters and lot sizes of thousands of parts, i.e. it can handle inspections requiring more than 1 million measurements per lot (1000 features x 1000 parts).

3. Powerful End-to-End Functionality:

No other system on the market offers the breadth and depth of functionality that 1factory offers. With 1factory, our customers replace separate systems for Ballooning & FAI, In-Process Data Collection & SPC, Real-Time Data Collection and Monitoring, NCR & CAPA management, Statistics (Process Capability, Gage R&R etc.), and Gage Management.

4. New Features Every 6 Weeks:

Our unique product development process combines our years of deep manufacturing work experience, combined with customer feedback collected during factory visits, to deliver incredibly powerful features and a release cadence that our competitors cannot match. Your experience gets better every 6 weeks.

5. Go Live in 2 Hours:

Your team will have their accounts created in minutes, and will be trained and live with the first set of Plans and Inspections in under

two hours.

6. No Concurrent User Limitations:

Our powerful engineering ensures that thousands of users from across 15 countries can access the system at the same time without any loss of performance.

7. ZERO IT Overhead:

1factory is web-based, and does not add IT complexity. All you need is an internet connection, and a web-browser. 1factory works with your existing data collection methods, allowing you to unlock productivity without a huge investment in new hardware.

8. No Hidden Costs:

Our pricing is simple and affordable with no hidden costs. Your subscription includes support and on-going product enhancements.

9. Quick Return on Investment (ROI):

Unlike other systems that take years to deliver a Return on Investment, 1factory delivers an ROI in weeks! With 1factory, our customers save thousands of man-hours each year, and reduce scrap and rework costs.


1factory simplifies the collection, management, analysis and reporting of QC data, saving hours of QC time.

  • QUALITY PLANNING: 1factory simplifies and speeds-up quality planning with powerful functionality for automated ballooning, tabulated plans, composite plans, and version control.
  • DATA COLLECTION: 1factory speeds-up data-entry by making it easy to collect data at point-of-manufacture. You can record data via the keyboard, from digital gages, from CMMs, and from .txt, .csv, or .xls files.
  • DATA MANAGEMENT: 1factory automatically logs all changes, and ensures that everyone is working off of the latest version. No more lost, mislabeled, or down-rev spreadsheets to worry about.
  • DATA ANALYSIS: 1factory provides real-time feedback to factory technicians in the form of easy-to-interpret charts (run-charts, histograms). These charts are supported by automated statistical calculations.
  • DATA REPORTING: 1factory delivers formatted reports at the click of a button, saving hours of reporting time.


  • REDUCE DEFECTS: 1factory provides technicians, quality engineers and factory managers with actionable real-time analysis to prevent defects and reduce scrap and rework.
  • IMPROVE PROCESSES: In the event of a problem, 1factory makes it easy for manufacturing, quality control, and engineering team members, to access data, so they can work together and solve problems quickly and minimize customer impact.
  • BUILD CUSTOMER CONFIDENCE: With 1factory, our customer deliver better quality, build customer confidence with data, and grow
    their business.

10. True Customer Success:

Unlike our competitors for whom a sale is a transaction, at 1factory, we are heavily invested in your success. Our customer success team will happily train new users, help answer questions, and visit your site to collect feedback and new feature requests.


Byrial Holding ApS
CVR no. 37651222
Toftegårdsvej 5
8600 Silkeborg
Phone: +45 51 21 92 69